Andreas Bozarth Fornell Architect, Stockholm Andreas founded his architecture and design agency Bozarthfornell Architectes in 2010. Since then, the...
Tag Archive for: architecte
POINT SUPRÊME Architects, Athènes Point Supreme Architects was founded in Rotterdam in 2007 by Konstantinos Pantazis and Marianna Rentzou...
Gérard Grandval Architect, France Gérard Grandval is a French architect and designer, graduated from the National School of Fine...
Erik Gunnar Asplund Architect (1885 - 1940), Stockholm Erik Gunnar Asplund is considered as the most important Swedish architect...
NICOLAS DORVAL-BORY Architect, Paris Nicolas Dorval-Bory graduated from the Architecture school of Paris Val de Seine. He started his own...
Jean-Christophe Quinton Architect, Paris Jean-Christophe Quinton is an architect based in Paris. He is the winner of the "Album of...
Clément Masurier Architect, Paris Clément Masurier is graduated from the architecture school of Paris Malaquais. Parallel to his...
© Emmanuel Goulet Claude Parent Architect, France The influence of the radical French architect Claude Parent (1923-2016) extends far...