Desplans wish to participate in the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris. Purchase these drawings and we will pay all profits to @fondationdupatrimoine

The cathedral was begun in 1160 under Bishop Maurice de Sully and was largely complete by 1260. Notre-Dame de Paris is considered to be one of the finest examples of Gothic architecture. Its innovative use of the rib vault and flying buttress, its enormous and colourful rose windows, and the naturalism and abundance of its sculptural decoration makes it unique.
In the 1790s, Notre-Dame suffered desecration during the French Revolution; much of its religious imagery was damaged or destroyed. A major restoration project occurred between 1844 and 1864, supervised by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, who added the cathedral’s iconic spire.
Often undergoing renovation and restoration since 1963, the cathedral caught fire on 15 April 2019 and sustained significant damage, including the destruction of two-thirds of the roof and the spire.
Purchase this drawing and we will pay all profits to La fondation du patrimoine.


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