Architect, France

David Tajchman is an award-winning architect working at all scales and in various disciplines. He graduated in architecture in 1999 from the Victor Horta School in Brussels, and post-graduated in architectural design in 2003 from the Bartlett School in London. His teaching methodology entitled  Futures From Natures  is known for its experimental approach and the varied materializations achieved by his students, combining digital fabrication and handcrafting, three-dimensional drawings and rapid manufacturing.
David is also an art director working on experimental films, using architecture as a filming tool, where bodies, geometric rules and narratives are at the focus of his cross-disciplinary art.
David is the author of  Gran Mediterraneo – Project, Process, Progress, a first book about his self-initiated research on the Tel Avivian skyline, published by Actar. David Tajchman is the recipient of the Institut Francais – Residence Hors Les Murs Award 2014 in Brazil and the Architizer A+ Award 2017 in New York.

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